There are many ways to help:

1.       Volunteer your time- whether one hour a week or one day a week. It will be much appreciated.

2.     Come and visit the Special Education and Training Center (SETC). It will give the children great happiness and provide encouragement to the members of the staff.

3.      Special Education and Training Center offers volunteering and placement opportunities for students of schools and colleges.

4.     Sponsor a child. It costs Rs 3000/- per month or Rs 36,000/- per year. This amount will be utilized for the training, education, uniform, and other needs of a child from a poor background.

5.     Zakaat and Khairaat: As the majority of children are from deprived backgrounds, we accept Zakaat and Khairaat both in cash and kind.

6.     Donations are welcome both in cash and goods e.g. books, toys, clothes etc.


Please make your crossed cheque payable to: National Society for MEH children


Details of Account:


Account Number: 3032307000000811

IBAN Number:     PK86FAYS3032307000000811 

Swift Code:            FAYSPKKA

Account Title:       National Society for Mentally and Emotionally Handicapped Children.

Bank:                       Faysal Bank Limited, Barkat Islamic Banking

Branch:                   Township Branch Lahore.

Branch Code:        3032


Please confirm any Zakat/Donation at the following:



National Society for Mentally and Emotionally Handicapped Children
43-A, Civic Center, M.A Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan
P.O. Box # 621, G.P.O. Lahore – 54000, Pakistan


(92-42) 35401645 & 35401646 & 35401377
